file and added this to the bottom:export PS1="[\e[36m\u\e[33m@\e[32m\W\e[0m]\e[32m > \e[0m"
To give me a prompt that looks like:
However, whenever I would use a command that was longer than the line, and it needed to wrap, the formatting would get all funky and the terminal wouldn't correctly represent either the command that I had entered or the position of the cursor.
I asked a colleague of mine about it and he suggested that it was because of the coloring of the prompt and that the non-printable characters (the ones that are for coloring) caused the line editor to display incorrectly. So I researched it further to realize that my
string was missing the non-printable character string delimiters: \[ ... \]
So I edited my
variable, wrapping all non-printing characters with \[
and \]
export PS1="[\[\e[36m\]\u\[\e[33m\]@\[\e[32m\]\W\[\e[0m\]]\[\e[32m\] > \[\e[0m\]"
and PRESTO line wrapping issues are gone!So, remember: if you ever see weirdness in the terminal formatting check out your prompt definition first!
For a decent guide to creating a nice prompt check out Prompt Magic.