Friday, January 28, 2011 = Chrome Fail

Over the last month or so I've been dabbling in build an iPhone application.  After taking my testing as far as I could on the simulator, I wanted to install it on my phone and give it a whirl.... let the frustrations begin.

So, I get a developer account with Apple and go through all the steps to get a certificate, except the stupid website would not accept the Certificate Signing Request that was generated thanks to their instructions.  I tried it over and over, and generated and re-generated the CSR all to no avail. 

I submitted a help ticket to their support website and they didn't get back to me for a week.  When they did finally get back to me they recommended that I clear the browser cache and try again!  Are you serious Apple?  This is DEVELOPER support, you can't give me better help than that?

Ater clearing the cache and going through the whole process again, and once again failing, I wondered if it would work on a different browser (I was using Chrome).  I brought up Safari, submitted the same CSR file, and it worked like a dream.  So I guess they don't support Chrome, but neglect to say so.

Thanks a bunch Apple.