Tuesday, July 15, 2008

iPhone Day

Last Friday, July 11, will now forever be known as iPhone day. The much anticipated (at least by myself and a few, nose tap, others) release of Apple's newest gadget was met by my brother (Jesse), a friend of mine (Bilbo Passerino) and myself driving to the Los Gatos Apple store to wait for our new prize. Not having any idea of what the line would look like we decided to show up a little before the store opened at 8am.

Upon arrival, we saw that there were a measly 200 people in front of us. Doing the math, we decided that they would probably have about 20 salespeople helping customers purchase their iPhones. We thought that going through the process to buy a phone shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes, so if they stayed on that schedule, they would average about 30 seconds per customer. That would put our line waiting time at about 1 1/2 hours. No problem.....

"Measly, ha!" It turns out that slightly under trained staff combined with an abundance of technical issues (iTunes crashing) turned our ignorant average processing guess from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Yes, thats right...we waited 6 hours.

And now the Q&A

Was it worth the wait?
You know, you could have gone the next day and not waited in any line.
--Ya, I know.
So, why didn't you just wait and not bother with the line?
--I got my phone before you did.
Why does that matter? You are going to have that phone for a while probably...whats one day?
--Who had their phone first? Me.
What do you think of the iPhone so far?
--It absolutely destroys any mobile device that I have ever used. On a scale of 1-10 I would give the iPhone a 10 and the closest other device at a 5. I cannot say enough how great this compute...I mean phone is.

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